

研究方向:1. 食品风味科学 2. 食品感知科学 3. 健康风味产品开发


教育经历 工作经历 研究方向 讲授课程 主编教材 主持科研项目 代表性论文 授权发明专利 学术兼职 电子邮箱


刘源,男,中共党员,工学博士,国家优秀青年基金获得者,宁夏大学食品科学与工程学院副书记、院长及生命与食品学部副部长,上海交通大学教授、博导。现任中国畜产品加工研究会及中国食品科技学会食品添加剂分会常务理事、上海食品学会常务理事及青年工作委员会主任委员、感知分析标准化技术委员会(CSTM/FC98-TC05)、全国感官分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 566)及全国特殊膳食标准化技术委员会等委员以及《Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture》(Associate Editor)、《International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science》(Consulting Editor)、《Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety》等10SCI期刊副主编、编辑、编委, Food Science and Technical Abstracts (FSTA) 编辑顾问及ISO/TC 34/SC 6/WG 19委员会委员;曾任上海交通大学食品科学与工程系主任,国家自然科学基金联合基金会评、科技部及教育部等通讯评审专家、中国工程科技2035/2045技术预见专家等。

主要从事食品风味感知研究,组织举办了首届中国食品风味科学青年论坛等系列论坛。先后主持国家级项目近10项,第一作者/通讯作者在Fundamental ResearchBiosens BioelectronBiomaterialsJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry等发表论文136篇。授权发明专利8项,联合主译、副主编教材、著作6部。获上海市委组织部五带头共产党员等。

1997.09--2001.07  南京农业大学食品科学与工程专业本科阶段学习

2001.09--2006.07  南京农业大学食品科学专业博士研究生



2006.12--2017.04  上海海洋大学讲师、副教授、教授(博导)(其间: 2010--2011澳大利亚联邦科工组织访问科学家; 2014-2015上海海洋大学食品学院院长助理)

1. 食品风味科学

2. 食品感知科学

3. 健康风味产品开发





3.《海洋食品科学与技术》,科学出版社;1 (20191)ISBN: 978-7-03-058566-0




1. Wang W, Lu D, Xu Q, Jin Y, Pang G*, Liu Y*. Remodeling of the ryanodine receptor isoform 1 channel regulates the sweet and umami taste perception of Rattus norvegicus. Fundamental Research. 2023; 3(3):459-68. IF2023=6.2

2. Chen YP, Ding Z, Yu Y, He P, Zhou Y, Liu Y*, Feng X*. Recent advances in investigating odor-taste interactions: Psychophysics, neuroscience, and microfluidic techniques. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2023; 138:500-10.IF2023=15.3

3. Chen YP, Feng X, Blank I, Liu Y*. Strategies to improve meat-like properties of meat analogs meeting consumers’ expectations. Biomaterials. 2022; 287:121648.IF2023=14

4. Li M, Zhang N, Cui Z, Wang W, Wang C, Wang D, Li M, Lu W, Qing G*, Liu Y*. Biomimetic ion nanochannels for sensing umami substances. Biomaterials. 2022:121418. IF2023=14

5. Wang W, Cui Z, Ning M, Zhou T, Liu Y*. In-silico investigation of umami peptides with receptor T1R1/T1R3 for the discovering potential targets: A combined modeling approach. Biomaterials. 2022; 281:121338. IF2023=14

6. Jiang S, Liu Y*. Gas sensors for volatile compounds analysis in muscle foods: A review. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2020; 126:115877. IF2023=13.1

7. Wang W, Zhou X, Liu Y*. Characterization and evaluation of umami taste: A review. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2020; 127:115876. IF2023=13.1

8. Zhang N, Wei X, Fan Y, Zhou X, Liu Y*. Recent advances in development of biosensors for taste-related analyses. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2020; 129:115925. IF2023=13.1

9. Fan Y, Chen W, Zhang N, Li M, Zhu Y, Chen G, Zhang Y, Liu Y*. Umami taste evaluation based on a novel mouse taste receptor cell-based biosensor. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2023:115447.IF2023=12.6

10. Li J, Yang F, Chen X, Fang H, Zha C, Huang J, Sun X, Ahmed MBM, Guo Y*, Liu Y*. Dual-ratiometric aptasensor for simultaneous detection of malathion and profenofos based on hairpin tetrahedral DNA nanostructures. Biosensors & bioelectronics. 2023; 227:114853. IF2023=12.6

11. Yu Y, Jiang S, Cui Z, Zhang N, Li M, Liu J, Meng H, Wang S, Zhang Y, Han J, Sun X*, Zhao W*, Liu Y*. Bimetallic bionic taste sensor for perception of the synergistic effect of umami substances. Biosensors & bioelectronics. 2023; 234:115357. IF2023=12.6

12. Fan Y, Huang Y, Zhang N, Chen G, Jiang S, Zhang Y, Pang G, Wang W, Liu Y*. Study on the distribution of umami receptors on the tongue and its signal coding logic based on taste bud biosensor. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2022; 197:113780. IF2023=12.6

1. 一种白切鸡滋味复合调味剂的制备方法






ZL201410007378.4),排名1/6 2016


ZL201310751769.2),排名2/3 2016

6. 快速检测TTX的磁性免疫层析方法及检测试纸条的制备 (ZL201110259579.X),排名3/4 2015

7. 一种河豚鱼肉品质鉴别及分级的方法

ZL201010149932.4),排名2/4 2014

[1] 中国畜产品加工研究会常务理事

[2] 感知分析标准化技术委员会(CSTM/FC98-TC05)委员

[3] 全国感官分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 566)委员

[4] 全国特殊膳食标准化技术委员会委员

[5] Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (Q1, 14.8) 编委

[6] Food Chemistry (Q1, 8.8) 编委

[7] Food Science and Human Wellness (Q1, 7) 编委

[8] Food Chemistry-X (Q1, 6.1) 编委

[9] Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (Q1, 4.1) 副主编

[10] Journal of Texture Studies (Q2, 3.2) 编委

[11] Sensor (Q2, 3.9, Topic Editor) 编委

[12] International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science (Q2, 3.8) 顾问编辑

[13] Journal of Food Quality (Q2, 3.3) 学术编辑

[14] Flavor and Fragrance Journal (Q3, 2.6) 编委
